Thursday, January 26, 2017

BIBLICAL PROPHECY TODAY / The End of the World is Come / Prepare YourSelf to Meet Your God. "Hanegraaff" 1:38

Hank Hanegraaff’s false theology and questionable character

Hank Hanegraaff of CRI has a staff that gets him answers. That makes him credible on many biblical topics but when Hank Hanegraaff himself steps out in certain areas of theology he displays a basic lack of biblical understanding. We should not be surprised that mockers like Hank Hanegraaff would come against those who declare the soon coming of Jesus, Bible prophecy declares they will. The questionable character issues are well known and they can easily be found with any keyword search on his name on Google.
Here is an excerpt of an article by Jan Markel of about Hank Hanegraaff’s attack on Dispensational Premillennial Theology (article was posted on Worldview Weekend).
ANSWERING “THE BIBLE ANSWERMAN” Three years ago Hank decided to get on the eschatology bandwagon for himself. He began a series of fiction on his eschatology: Preterism. That belief says that all or most of end-time events transpired in 70 AD. Nero was the Antichrist. The Tribulation was the persecution of Christians. Hank and most “partial Preterists” still believe in the Second Coming. “Full Preterists” believe Christ returned “in spirit” in 70 AD. Not much fanfare for the King of Kings back then!
Now many are taking Hanegraaff to task for not only false theology but for outrageous comments on air and in his book, “Apocalypse Code” as well as his fiction series with co-author Sigmund Brouwer. Dr. Thomas Ice, who serves on this ministry’s “board of reference” says, “The great majority of the book (Apocalypse Code) is a rant against Hanegraaff’s distorted view of Dispensationalism in general and Tim LaHaye in particular. There is precious little actual exegesis, if any at all, to support his Preterist/idealist eschatology; however, there are great quantities of some of the most vicious tirades against LaHaye and many other Bible prophecy teachers that I have ever read in print.” This can be found on the Web site of the Pre-Trib Research Institute,”
Post script editor note: the name of the book in the above excerpt was corrected. Markell uses the name “Apocalypse Countdown” in her article the book name is actually “Apocalypse Code”
Check  this later post of mine for links to Dr. Norman Geisler and Dr. Thomas Ice review of Hanegraaff’s “Apocalypse Code”

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