Russia buys Israeli technology for spy satellites

Defense Ministry building © KM.RU, Alexey Belkin
The Russian Defense Ministry has decided to acquire spy satellites that can recognize numbers of cars and general features of the exterior man. However, due to lack of technology in the country in the department intend to seek the assistance of Israeli experts. This was April 10 the newspaper "Izvestia".
To a new satellite system defense ministry is ready to spend 70 billion rubles. Ministry tender to build the spacecraft near Moscow won the NGO named after SALavochkin. As told in Roskosmos edition, which runs research and production association, as a supplier of technology is considered the company Israel Aerospace Industries.
IAI is known by the Israeli military-industrial complex.Concern is one of the world's leading developers and manufacturers of unmanned vehicles, some of which has no analogues in the world. In addition to the Israelis, among the possible partners called European company EADS and Italian company Thales Alenia Space.
In Roskosmos argue that when choosing a partner, will focus on the delivery and risks, as well as "willingness to transfer technology of Russia." To this list, experts interviewed by the newspaper added political dimension. "For Israel, now the importance of relations with Russia, and in theory we can hope to get from them a very interesting technology, especially the IAI, which has implemented a project to import unmanned" , - said the director of Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Ruslan Pukhov. However, he stressed that the deal with EADS can ruin Germany and Italy provide resource support from the worst of all considered candidates.
As conceived by the Defense Ministry, the new satellite system should be composed of two spacecraft, which in the future be added three more. According to the General Director of the NGO named after SA Lavochkin Victor Hartova, during 2013 the company's specialists have completed preliminary design and submit it for approval to the Ministry of Defense. The main requirement is that the military push to the new system is that it is possible to "see live images on the ground in sub-meter resolution." In Russia, such equipment is not available to Soviet times. In the USSR, the space made electronic surveillance Leningrad KB "Arsenal".
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