Apr 22, 2013
Tears in Heaven
Losing those we love is the deepest emotional hurt we can suffer, I believe most will agree. Those whose spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, or best friend betrays the relationship and rejects us leaves us devastated. Even more terrible is the loss through death of someone dear to us.
When those we love die, the break is final. We will never look upon their likes again in this earthly life. The ache eats at our very core; their every remembrance gnaws at our soul, even if the memories are among the best of our ability to recall.
It’s not manly to love felines is the general rubric of understanding between the males of our species. It’s okay to love canines if you are a guy, but it's not okay to love a cat.
I lost Stanley the other day when he was hit in the street in front of our home. Stanley came to us probably a year and a half ago. Somehow, this yellow and white, half-grown, cat knew that I’m blind. He instinctively knew… Stanley would hurry to get in front of me, from no matter where he had been, and would position himself in front of my left leg, making me bump against him all the way down the hallway.
He always led me into the bedroom –every time.
There was a food bowl in the bedroom, and he would always reward himself with a face full of cat chow at the end of his mission. It was a self-administered, Pavlovian response, no doubt.
This was still going on the last day of his life. We were amused and amazed. He did this for/to no other of the family –just me. I loved Stanley. I’m still hurting, and thinking about the many nuances of our relationship. I have his name on the tip of my tongue and just say “Stanley,” to try to assuage the hurting, I guess. I don’t know why the Lord so obviously put Stanley with me, then so abruptly took him. I do know that God knows why and all will be made perfectly clear some eternal day. I’m comforted by that assurance.
Now, I’m writing to perhaps thousands in Rapture Ready’s vast audience who have lost those very close to them. The loss of an animal seems ridiculously superfluous to those whose mother, father, or perhaps child is near death or has just passed away. There is no comparison will be the response--and I will agree—to my experience with this little yellow feline–which I, being a man, am–in the view of some of my manly peers--a little weird for loving, anyway.
I’m coming to the point of this essay, so bear with me. Jesus knows our every hurt. He experienced them all during His short time on this planet. He wept over the death of Lazarus, feeling the depth of the kind of hurting you and I experience when a loved one dies. Our loved ones who die, whether human beings we love or the pets many love dearly, all have names. We have them on the tips of our tongues and only the passing of time pushes their cherished memories to somewhere in the middle of our very spirit. The Heavenly Father, however, thinks without ceasing about every creature He creates. --Even the sparrows, we are told.
Those of us who constitute fallen mankind, on the other hand, are more often than not substantially unmoved by the loss of those who aren’t directly, or at least indirectly, linked to us, individually. We have no attachments to those who don’t directly relate to our lives; we make no place for their names in our cerebral or emotional centers of concern. Of course I realize that this is the nature of the human condition.
This fact of life–that we can’t find or make time to concern ourselves beyond our own orbit—we justify by pointing to our torrid pace in America today. But, no excuse justifies the incomprehensible blind eye turned from the horror of the abortion industry which the news, finally, brought to our attention this past week.
America’s greatest sin should burst with convicting fire into the concern center of every person made aware of the story. There are reasons, however, that the horrific information needed to prick the consciences of every American will not be forthcoming. The reasons are summed up in two words–mainstream media.
This unbelievably reprehensible lack of accountability for what has been going on can be laid at the feet of the nation’s news organizations. The reason they’ve gotten away with such journalistic malfeasance can be laid at the feet of the American public. Fifty-plus million abortions that have anesthetized U.S. citizens to the reality and horror of this holocaust have been willfully accepted with only moderate resistance since the Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade on January 22, 1973.
The nameless children who have been murdered in their mothers’ wombs by the multiplied millions are screaming in deafening silence. Now it is learned just how heinous have been the murders of the aborted little ones outside their mother’s wombs as well as inside. Still, mainstream media remain silent for the most part about this infanticide that has taken place under their supposedly superior reportorial investigative noses.
The grisly abortion activities of Dr. Kermit Gosnell in his Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, abortion horror chamber--which, incidentally, has been known since 2011--have finally reached the trial stage, thus is forcing some degree of reporting by reluctant news media organizations. Gosnell is charged with the murder of one woman and seven born infants, in which he allegedly “snipped” with scissors the babies’ spinal cords once they were outside their mothers’ wombs.
The liberal champions of the woman’s right to choose are hard pressed to look upon the things being uncovered in that horrendous murder factory. All the agenda-driven pundits on the left can come up with is that Gosnell’s unsanitary, non-professional clinic shows all the more reason for increased federal funds and regulations to assure clean, “safe” abortions.
The above is almost precisely what I heard Alan Colms, the liberal pundit for Fox News, say in response to Gosnell’s trial. Here’s what one angry journalist against legalized murder of babies had to say in regard to Gosnell and the reporting of the atrocities involved.
Thus far, Gosnell’s wretched clinic, with its filthy speculums, jars filled with severed baby feet, and photos of female genitalia, has had a hard time piquing the interest of major news outlets. After all, racy, sexy murderess Jodi Arias is much more intriguing than some twisted biracial abortionist carrying out Margaret Sanger's eugenic ministry on vulnerable people of color. Isn't she? (Jeannie DeAngelis, "Kermit Gosnell: Secret Hero of the Left," American Thinker)
So, the big-time news men and women are being dragged kicking and screaming into covering this vile representation of the industry of infanticide they so fervently champion.
The little ones who have died since Roe v Wade have no names. They have been treated as inconsequential refuse to be flushed or sent to the garbage dumps of America. But, just as I have the name of my little Stanley forever etched in my memory, and each of you who has lost a loved one have their names stamped indelibly upon your hearts, the God of Heaven has a name for every one of the little ones who are now safely with Him, carved in His omniscient memory.
While the Word of God tells us that tears will one eternal day be wiped from every eye in Heaven, the Heavenly Father must at the present time shed tears of sadness for what continues to be the most severe child abuse possible–abortion. More than that, He must have hot tears of anger as He watches this nation He blessed so mightily shed innocent blood by more than 3,700 babies per day –something those who sacrificed their children to Molech in ancient times came nowhere near matching. Jesus made it inescapably clear what would be the fate of those who dealt so egregiously with little ones:
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).
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