Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Is Anything In Life Free Anymore?
The Easter Sunrise Service has always been one of my favorite services to preach. There’s something so special and unique about gathering to worship the risen Savior on Easter morning. It’s a time when we can focus most on the sacrifice and glorious resurrection of Jesus, which gives us hope and removes the sting of death. I love it!
I remember several years ago when I was in college and dating the beautiful woman who would one day be my bride, Kendra. I took her with me to visit my grandfather, Billy Graham, for Easter in Montreat, N.C.
On our way back to Liberty University that afternoon, we drove up to Boone, N.C., to see my parents. We pulled into a little gas station on the south side of U.S. Route 70 to fuel up and be on our way. I vividly remember standing in line while the people in front of me made friendly conversation with the clerk behind the counter.
“Nothing’s free anymore!” the man chuckled as he handed over the money to pay for his gasoline purchase.
At that moment God told me to speak. My heart cried out to share the Gospel with these people: “Yes, God’s gift of Salvation is free! That’s what Easter is all about! God paid the debt for you through His Son, Jesus!”
My friends, that’s what I should have said.
Sadly, I kept that proclamation to myself. I regret it to this day. God gave me the words to say and wanted me to share His hope on that glorious Easter day with people who likely needed to hear it, but I disobeyed him and kept it silently in my heart. Frankly, I chickened out.
I made a covenant with God that day that if I ever felt Him speaking through me again, I would share it boldly and not hold back. Who knows? Sharing the words He gives us may be the difference between someone spending an eternity in Heaven or in Hell; the difference between a life of hope and a life of discouragement and despair.
As we celebrate Christ’s resurrection this year, I encourage you to listen to God as He speaks to you, and be His mouthpiece as He speaks through you. Easter is what it’s all about, and we need to take every opportunity available to us to share His saving message.
Has God laid on your heart the names of friends and loved ones who need to know Him? Visitwww.MyHopeWithBillyGraham.org to learn how you and your church can be a part of a major nationwide proclamation of the Gospel culminating this November. Join the movement today.
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